talking of Michaelangelo.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I've learned // 10:55 pm
Through pain and sadness I've learned a valuable lesson. You could say I learned it the hardest way. Oh, how bittersweet it is to finally understand what the heck was happening to me and my emotions... my life?
I love you, but I'm not in love with you.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
procrastination // 9:10 am
I sincerely believe that at the heart of procrastination is apathy. I feel so bad. I know I should be working... but I just can't bring myself to do so!
I don't care at all about PROF110. I'm sorry Sheila, I love you... and I wish not to offend you at all... but I just despise the course material! I just cannot stand it!
I hate this report.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sorry I'm different. // 1:19 pm
(Comments on today's Hot Pot-ing)
It feels so empty sometimes when I'm so different from the rest of the group.
Question directed to people in general:Who am I to you? What have you heard about me?
What do you see when you see me? What am I an image of?
Have you prejudged me based on things you've heard about me?
Next, Who actually likes to wash dishes? Okay, maybe some people actually do... but I seriously think it's
JUST a necessary activity. I do it for the ends, not for the means of doing it. I think it's fun because of the end result, and because I can't stand messy things. It just feels rewarding. How come people can't understand that?
Another thing that made/makes me a little
sad and
I'm not directing these comments at anyone in particular. I don't think it's wrong, I just feel sad about it. It's just that I feel sad that people don't know how to enjoy life without basing everything on freaking boyfriend girlfriend crap anymore. Does looking at stars really have to be a romantic activity? Why can't it be enjoyed and shared amongst friends? What is the matter with people and thinking that the only thing in the world is "lam leui see ching" ... There can be romance not related to people who are dating, you know? There's such thing as romance that's not what the world has distorted it to be. There's something called love that's aside from romance, dating and getting married. Why does looking at stars necessarily have to be a dating thing? Why can't people have fun without having a boyfriend, or without thinking about all that boyfriend girlfriend stuff? Isn't it possible to love nature and love life and celebrate friendship, rather than JUST focus on "romantic" things? However, aside from the fact that I was kind of seperate from the group, I had a lot of fun. Hot-potting is ALWAYS fun. And I experienced some real cool Karaoke-ing. I was too shy to join xp Too shy about my singing xp
Sorry I'm different.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
It's back to bloggin' I go // 12:54 pm
I did some strange and unexpected things today...
1) Missed an incredible ENGL110 class =(Oh my goodness, I am so,
so in love with my Prof. He's just the most amazing English Prof in the whole world. I just want to give him a huge bear hug. He's so nice, funny and warm. How adorable. I can't believe I missed one of his best lectures! =(
According to a Wallpost on my Facebook,
Meaghan Rothwell reported his story:
"He is adorable! He was so silly in class today. He told us a story about when he was 12 years old, his older brother had a girlfriend whose mother would always nag at him. So they're at the zoo (for some reason) and the mother's nagging at his brother, getting progressively louder, and the monkeys get all riled up and end up throwing poo at her head. His actions were AWESOME." Ahh! I am so ashamed that I missed something like that.
2) Actually went to AndromedaIt was pretty good, considering that I didn't expect it was going to be that good. Erez was hilarious. (Erez is my CLST100 Prof., remember?) HE HAS A TWIN THAT LOOKS, COUGHS, TALKS AND WALKS EXACTLY LIKE THIM. Woahhhh.
Okay, back to
Andromeda. It's actually a play that Erez wrote on the topic of the Greek tragedy of Perseus's wife Andromeda. Perseus, as you may all recall is the Greek hero who killed Medusa (a mythological character that had snakes her on head and turned men into stone with one look). This story however, is about his wife's disobedience and .... stuff.
I went to this play simply to support my dearest CLST100 buddy,
Brittaney McLeod, who was part of the chorus. Though the poetry and plot was not AMAZINGLY stunning, it was still quite good. I would rate it...... 3.5/5 with all the elements considered (as in, dramatization, use of props, staging, costumes, rhythm, pace, etc.) The masks were spectacular. (I liked the priest.)
I don't regret going at all. =) Good job, everyone!
3) Went to fellowship. (This will come out sounding like a confession.)Surprisingly, but weirdly at the same time - Sally dragged me to KCCF with her. You know, she tells me she's not a Christian... yet she goes. But for someone like me, who claims to be a Christian I don't even make an effort to commit to it. I mean, what is that supposed to say about me?
Another thing, I don't want to sing lies. I don't want to sing that I will serve Him when... I just don't feel like I can at the moment. I don't understand why worshipping is so hard for me right now. I feel trapped. Sometimes I just want to be as purposeful and meaningful as other "spiritual" people... but right now I'm not ready. You can judge me all you want, but I'm still not ready. There were some songs last night saying how I would lay my life for Him... I want to surrender, but I just
can't. Sorry for sounding =S or for being a stupid Christian... or something. I want to find that fire again, but I don't feel like anything was real.
Someone once told me you can't base your Christianity on feelings alone... if you don't base it on feelings, what is there for you to base it on then? What can determine when I'm feeling that "flame" or passion for God?
Aside: The Amazing Race was really fun =D=D=D=D It was really nice to meet up with my Cell Group people again. Nice bonding time and stuff xp hehe. Go FreshJive!
4) Laked 3 Times!Sharon - thanks once again for going with me. I always love lake-ing with you. It's relaxing and fun. I enjoyed our little talk once again... even though we didn't talk about much this time. Oh yeah, and thanks for lending me your shoes xD
Jackie - sunset + pictures + lake = FUN XD It's so pretty eh? Upload the pics xD We were trying to climb up the engineer's mistake xp hehehe.
Sally - it was sooo dark when we went but it was fun nonetheless... it was more like we walked PAST the lake hahaha. We were too scared to go in. Sigh. But, there were stars ... and I learned how to look for Oreon!! =D I luff my leui leui!
Other stufffff from today....Something random I thought of that is really Deep: Thirsty Rain... even rain thirsts for something more... is that possible?
Can I thirst for something more than just worldly things? Can I wait? How can I wait? What am I waiting for?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
breach in HIATUS // 11:59 pm
....because of the woes I must tell you of.
I'm playing a game,
it's called "Catch-Up"...
My dear friends, watch me as I play:
CLST100 Notes (What did I miss?)1. GLPs2. Prometheus Bound3. Seven Against Thebes4. Aeschylus vs. Euripides5. Phoenician WomenCLST100 = CLOSED CASE!PSYC100 ReadingsChapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (done?)
Chapter 5 (done?)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
ENGL110 Readings+EssayChaucer: Wife of BathShakespeare:
Twelfth Night (done?)
Marlowe: Doctor Faustus kinda?
John Milton: Paradise Lost- Book
1,2,4,5,9,12Aphra Behn: Oronooko
PHIL100... I don't even want to bother...
DRAM100LabE PRESENTATION - stuff.Print lecture notes...
Read blasted Brockett
PROF110Assignment #3
- Research
- Essay
- Reflection
Bold = imporant/what i'm working on
I won't come on,
until this list is gone.
(Rhyming couplet =
a turning point in action.)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
aftermath - an afterthought // 9:34 am
i am eighteen. and a verb is a noun. It's getting harder and harder to keep blogposts short and sweet. (Well, the short part anyway. =D)
Topics today include,
1) How my birthday was...2) Why the WishBottle?3) How it feels to be 18 (with 3e's)...4) The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockLet's begin:
1) I just spent basically my whole day collecting wishes, which was very fulfilling. That's a word someone used to describe this activity that I set out to do. I really enjoyed it. I spoke to Julia Sherman again! (We went to elementary school together!) And then all the people from BMS, then PCA too! It was just... so awesome. I met people, I caught up with people's lives. It was like... pieces of puzzles from my past... my entire life. I spoke to people who shaped me into who I am. And I was so thankful, because I learned so much about myself... and them. I just... thought it was so meaningful.
I want to give a HUGE thank the following people specifically for making my birthday EXTRA special:
Michael (who I spoke to in my last moments of being 17),
George (who counted down with me),
Clara & Kat (who called and screamed with me in my first moments of 18ness),
Share (who was the most wonderful sister to me on my birthday - more walks at the lake please! XD),
Ad (for the cutest card in the world+for your phone message that probably costed a pound...),
Jo&Jenny (for being tired over my hyperness!),
Stanley (for being super cool and spending your evening with me to look at stars and throw the WishBottle, means so much to me!)
2) Because, it is as Rachel Liang said... "feels romantic". Not only that, but it gave me something to talk about to people. It is meaningful. Letting people acknowledge what their wish is might motivate them... make them more determined. It is also genuinely my wish that people's wish would come true.
3) Old, but young at the same time. Tired, experienced, but innocent at the same time. Fresh, withered at the same time. Paradoxal. That's how it feels.
4) ... A re-visitation of T.S. Eliot's
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ... Because I'm just that in love with this poem. And many a time, it seems to be very fitting to quote it. I just love it so much. Love it for its layers, depth... just... the way it sounds. It's very emotional, stirs my 18 year old heart very much. Just wanna quote several lines here:
(** = Skip several lines)
"LET us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherised upon a table;**In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.**There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;**That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.**And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”**Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.**For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume?
And I have known the eyes already, known them all
The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,**I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas. **And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor
And this, and so much more?**We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brownTill human voices wake us, and we drown.Prufrock is so very sad. I feel that passive... mellowness in him that I have somewhere in me. When is it time to take a risk? There is time. What is this apathy I feel? All these lines of poetry speak about/for me... in some strange way. Why would I relate myself to this strangely sad, old, bald man? I don't know. I guess I sympathize.
Because I see some of him in
for a while, thanks for being patient with this very long blogpost.
Friday, November 10, 2006
// 12:30 pm
I am talking to Michael Li in the last 47 minutes of my 17th year.
Resolution & Wishlist // 8:05 am
So... I will be eighteen in approximately five hours.
Who knows who I will become in the next year?
Instead of saying "Happy Birthday" why don't people say "Happy New Year"? Because technically, it's a new year for you personally... when you were born that's the year you started. New Years day is just calculating the historical ... thing... of the world...
I digress, that was just one of my wacko ideas...
Onto my 18th Birthday Resolutions:
I want to mature, but stay young. 18 is no delicate age. It is a step into adulthood as many would like to say. I want to grow an intellectual aura... some sort of a ... profoundness in me. However, at the same time... staying true to my innocence and my youth. Youthfulness keeps me going, keeps me energetic.
I will try my hardest to not skip anymore classes. (Including PHIL115 Lectures) This is a big step.
Learn to love in the right way. 4)
Read at least one book a week, on top of University readings. I find that in reading, I can step out of my own reality. I think I've mentioned this long ago.
Try to live a healthy lifestyle. (Note the "try" - this doesn't mean cutting down on dramas.)
Find, recognize, understand, then become my true self. I don't know how many of you know yourself, I sure don't.
Gentleness in tackling problems as opposed to boisterous-ness. (If that's even a word.)
Find my own position in where I stand in my relationship with God. Not doing it so I could have answers for other people who ask me about my spiritual life, not for how other people see me. Not for other people to judge me. But for myself - for how I see myself in my relationship with God.
I would've thought of 18 if you really forced me to, but eight's a good number. I'm sure some of you would be bored to death if I kept going.
Wishlist... I suppose it could come later =). It would be more appropriate to post that tomorrow... Tonight, I have to set my mind to these resolutions and ... try to be as rebellious as ever before I actually attempt at the resolutions xp haha.
It's time to quiet down and think. Think of my life. Think of how I want to change. How I want to remain. Who I want to become... and how I will achieve that.
"...that feeling deep down inside -- when you know something is happening that will change you, and you don't want it to, but you can't stop it. And you know, for the first time, for the very first time, that there will now be a before and an after, a was and a will be. And that you will never again be quite the same person you were."
- A Northern Light, by Jennifer Donnelly
philosophy of love // 6:43 am
Do you love a person for their qualities or for the person him/herself?
Thursday, November 09, 2006
// 5:09 pm
I'm dying. Someone please end the pain faster.
34% How come my essay keeps getting shorter?!
ren-ka is dead meat! // 3:46 am
PHIL115 Essay due tomorrow and I STILL don't have a thesis!
Procrastinating is an art of addiction.
I have a strange affection for Onion, Spinach, Bacon, Alfredo Pizza.
DELICIOUS! (I had 3 slices.)
Had an eating spree today again. I think I need to skip dinner to balance things out.
Time to
nap before a lo-o-ong night of philosophizing + thesifying.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
bitter // 11:54 pm
... but still
dancin' thru life.
I HOPE YOU GO FLUSH YOURSELF DOWN THE TOILET AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENT.Don't worry, the person that I hope would do this would never read my blog. So, reader... you're safe.
P.S. "Oops." Guh. I missed sunrise.
// 8:51 am
Girl: It's always been my wish to dance at a place like this.
Guy: You have too many wishes, silly.
Girl: Don't they dance at places like this in fairytales? Like the princesses wearing gowns ... they dance with princes at places like these right?
Guy: *Exasperated* I'm speechless. Are you crazy?
Girl: Shall we dance?
Guy: Forget it. Let's go. *Starts walking away*
Girl: Why, 'cause I'm not in a gown?
I think I've found a drama better than full house.
Monday, November 06, 2006
4th post of the day // 12:32 pm
I'm VERY extremely distracted! This is terrible, but fun at the same time! Gah!
Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!
It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
I'm through accepting limits'
Cuz someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!
Download song here:
It's my favourite song.
Start from 1:18 if the talking gets boring! xp
back in lonely ktown // 9:58 am
"Nothing matters but knowing nothing's just lifffeeee.... so keep dancin' thru!" - Fiyero from
WickedIsn't it a good moral to perceive the world by? =) Thanks Fiyero.
This weekend has taught me a lot. Tears have stopped. I can raise my head.
Why do I have to limit myself when I could
defy gravity?
P.P.S. (I still love you.) x 1billion
Happy Guy Fawkes Day! // 12:39 am
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.Let us commemorate together the revolution.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wicked was Spectacular! // 1:52 pm
Just because it taught me to defy gravity and laugh.
It was hilarious! I loved this musical because it just spoke to me in so many areas of my life. It almost made me cry. And it was definitely my type of humour. I guess it really reminded me how important someone is to me. It's funny because this was the person who recommended me to watch it. Thanks.
It was wonderful, and it made me think of you. Especially when Glinda and Elphaba sang this:
"Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good."Yes, you. I thought of you. (Hate me being sappy? haha. too bad.)
And there's this other really great song, that really, really spoke to me. It made me think of Julie beanzer and Vivian ... and what they said about "Don't go looking for love, let it find you."
Even though these lyrics are quite the contrary:
"I'm not That Girl" - Sung by Elphaba
"Hands touch, eyes meet
Sudden silence, sudden heat
Hearts leap in a giddy whirl
He could be that boy
But I'm not that girl.
Don't dream too far
Don't lose sight of who you are
Don't remember that rush of joy
He could be that boy
I'm not that girl
Ev'ry so often we long to steal
To the land of what-might-have-been
But that doesn't soften the ache we feel
When reality sets back in
Blithe smile, lithe limb
She who's winsome, she wins him
Gold hair with a gentle curl
That's the girl he chose
And Heaven knows
I'm not that girl:
Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl
There's a girl I know
He loves her so
I'm not that girl."
Will post more lyrics later on... just because I loved this musical so much.
Think about this: we all live where the end might be just the beginning. I finished The End... it was unsatisfying. Because I didn't want it to end that way.
In media res. I'm obsessed with this concept.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I'm dead tired. // 12:43 pm
The ride home was not an exciting or a very productive or pleasant one. I'm so tired it's not even funny.
I'm glad I'm in Toronto! =D
Karen: Wow look at those beautiful stars!
Karen: Oh my goodness! There's one that's moving! It's like a shooting star!
Karen: You're right, it's amazing!
Karen: How come it's moving so slow?
Karen: Wait what's that blinking light beside it...
Karen: Oh my gosh it's an airplane.......
Karen: ... oh.
Karen: Did you make a wish?
Wish upon a
n airplane. (
Be careful what you wish for... laugh out loud, that's what the most recent issue of
Golden Words was called!)
Definition of Gluttony // 1:44 am
My delicious lunch meal which I thoroughly enjoyed alone.... which consisted of:
- Appetizer of Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad
- A side dish of Grilled Shrimps (mm mm yum.)
- Quite a large mound of cucumbers and carrots
- A mashed potato mountain
(with chicken, onions, broccoli and gravy)
- 2 large plates of potato taters
- A steamed frozen veggies blend dish
(of which I picked out the peas)
- 2 mini croissants
- 1 slice of Cheese Pizza
- 3 chocolate chip cookies
- 3 slices of watermelon
- 3 glasses of CranOrange Juice
I was tempted to get ice cream.
I can't wait 'till I go home.
I have a song list... anyone want to get me those songs?
Please? (Ask me for the list if you're interested... it's mostly Cantonese songs I need...)
TGIF I thought this week would never end. It's been long and awful.
Friday, November 03, 2006
HAHAHAHAHA // 12:32 pm
"What?! He says he's not Bok Dong!"
"Who's Bok Dong?"
Can you believe it? // 10:58 am
I can't. It's November already!
Soon it'll be Guy Fawkes Day. Oh, bonfires.
I wish I was in the UK with my very special friend.
Or I wish she was here... I bet you she's cringing at my sappiness right now xp.
Ironic, because she might actually be reading this. Okay enough about her. We can't dedicate a
WHOLE blogpost to her (afterall, we DO hate each other xp).
It's freezing cold. I'm going home tomorrow. I cannot wait. I can't wait to get away from Kingston, no matter how fond of this lifestyle I am, I just want to go home.
"Another summer day... has come and gone away..." - Michael Buble
Hm... sigh. Good song when I'm feeling like this eh? Or maybe... wow I love this song.
"You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost... ... They tell me your blue skies fade to grey... they tell me your passion's gone away..."- Daniel Powter
Can you guess what songs these are? Haha.
I have so much time on my hands. Here it goes: It's funny because the xanga is going to refer you straight back to this blogger... but just because I'm greedy, I'm going to ask you to comment here and eProp me on xanga, just because I revamped.'t it nice and frigid and blue? I
love blue. White is a shade of blue.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
quotes from WSAUF // 12:40 pm
Just putting down some funny quotes from
Which Star Are You From ... the current drama I'm watching starring Kim Rae-won and Hee-jin from
Kim Sam Soon... haha who else xp.
*Bok-Sil (Hee-jin) looks extremely confused, not knowing how to use the coffee machine*
Kim Rae-won: Oh yeah you're from the mountains...
Bok-Sil: No! I'm from a village.
haha their interaction is quite humourous despite the negative undertones.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I'm so tired... // 11:06 pm
I feel a little faint.
I wonder how long my msn-strike thing is going to last. It probably won't, which kind of disappoints me to say.I <3 Stauffer's Fireside Room.I'm right next to it... I'm gonna head in... I'm gonna...
=( // 2:24 pm
I miss my mom, my dad, my brother, Connie, my bestest friend in the world, my sisterhood, Michael, George, Derek, Victor, and Julie.
"When you sigh, a little bit of your happiness goes away."
I'm going to sleep after a long day. Tomorrow will be another long one.
i'm a crazy blogger-addict // 10:55 am
5 posts a day? or was it 4?
I'm crazy.
MSN strike. Let's learn to have some silence. Let's learn to have some serenity.
addicted // 10:10 am
... to vita lemon tea drink in a box.
... to Shin cup noodles.
... to asian pears.
... to Kim Rae-won.
(Who didn't see that coming?)
I'm learning the art of apathy.
I'm so depressed. // 3:45 am
I know my strength and I know my strength is not as strong in comparison to other people who have the same strength as me...
But, University has depressed me to the point of no return.
I was expecting it. Totally expecting the 30% mark drop... but I
ACTUALLY DROPPED that much! 10% of my mark goes down the drain. I'm so disappointed and depressed. I'm going to work SO hard for my next assignment that my eyeballs will pop. I don't care. I will stay up 3 nights if I have to, to make it perfect. I will re-read it fifty times.
I'm so sad. Even though I totally expected it... it's still sad to think that my strength has now become another of my weaknesses.
How can I do this to myself?
Let my strength which has become a weakness be now my motivation to do better for the rest of the days. Let this 68% be a reminder, a mark of my humiliation, my weakness and ultimately... my soon-to-be strength.
Karen will prevail. Karen will rise again.(Ew. Red is such an ugly colour, I guess it matches my mood.)P.S. This is completely irrelevant, but today I saw someone in a V (for Vendetta) costume and I really wanted to compliment him/her. If I were to dress up for Halloween, that's who I would dress up as too.
life... a game? // 1:06 am
I notice that on my blog... the title is super small. It's right aligned so no one really notices it... so I guess instead of an official title, we could call it... the understatement of each post I suppose. Similarly, the HaloScan comment system is rarely used. It says "... NO COMMENTS YET" meaning it's prompting you to comment. I hope some of you caught that.
I just love comments, because I like feedback on my thoughts, or even a little hello.
"'s gonna be another day with the sunshine..."
- Jang Na Ra's song
Sweet Dreams from
My Love PatzziI'm currently humming that song, because the tune is so-o catchy. And because the main male character has the hottest, most sincere, most heart-breakingly adorable features in the whole wide world.
I love you, Kim Rae-Won.<3Anyhow, "What do you think life would be like if you had absolute power/knowledge?" was the question that was raised in ENGL110 today. I just adore Prof. Peterson. I'm always so engaged in what he says and what his response is to my opinions. (On the topic of love... philosophy... etc.)
We're currently doing
Doctor Faustus, the guy who sold his soul for knowledge, out of all things. What would you do if the devil offered? It's such an interesting topic! It makes me want to devour the play and read it out for all the interpretations there are of the text. Alas, it's a very dense... thing. I don't feel like reading it at all.
I'm reading
The End by Lemony Snicket [I prefer to say le
MONy rather than
LEmony but others just give me stupid looks when I say le
MONy]... people give me stares, I'm an English student, but I'm carrying a child's book? Too bad though. I like it and I have the right to finish a series that I started. I'm thoroughly enjoying the unfortunate-ness of the unfortunate events. I digress so much, I end up forgetting what I want to say.
Last thing I'd like to mention (that a person from the literary school of deconstructionist would comment on), I think my blog is not deep enough. After going through some other people's blogs, I realize they actually have something to say to the world, rather than boring things like... who I admire... or what book I'm reading, or who's love life I'm currently following or such trivial matters as this.
However, this is my life. My life is a game... and I like to blog about it.
If you have a problem, comment about it. Thank you.