talking of Michaelangelo.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
strange elephant pets // 8:42 am
Circus dreams....
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
water up to my eyebrows // 10:50 pm
So exhausted like just want to weld like melting metal to the bed.
One day... one day...
The vibrancy of Bhutan, gorgeous! The colours and smiles... so alive! The mountain temple views are extraordinary. I need to go there someday. Take a look at the link here:
beautiful Bhutan colours; the photos are amazing. I especially like the school children one where they're so cheerful. The King and Queen are such beautiful human beings...
I'm off to see the wizard,
the wonderful wizard of Oz...
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
observations from the day // 11:53 pm
at the coffee shop vegging
the blue chairs I never sat on
throne-like; the two men
laughing and moving
a potted tree
changing lights
smell of coffee, tea and fake wood
There are fire extinguishers at each corner.
find those words to spit
out and explain and put
words in another's
mouth; agonizing
slow rising above the water
in the dark out of sleep
neck stretched out of the water
eyes this way and that
roused by the tiniest bit movement
I learn and I laugh,
I sing and I breathe.
Turn the light off, please.
Monday, March 25, 2013
my little darling // 11:18 pm
so serene
sleeping, little head out
eyes closed
bottom of his tank
warm and comfortable
my little eddie
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
pasado maƱana // 11:05 am
the day when tomorrow has past...
Flashback to a girl
with a song in her heart,
as she's waiting to start the adventure.
The fire and drive
that make dreams come alive...
they fill her soul.
She's in control...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
// 10:49 am
I've never felt like a bigger idiot in my life.
Get out. Move on.
// 9:02 am
It hurts
so much. I woke up and it was like the pain ate me and there is nothing left and the dreams... the dreams were horrible.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
// 3:35 pm
waddle waddle
Friday, March 15, 2013
scent // 8:37 am
I always thought music, sound can bring you back to a certain place, transport you right back to a place. It's a trigger that lets you relive something.
At Pink,
the smell took me back there, maybe it was Cogro or Stauffer. It was lovely. I sat there for an hour just taking in the smell and being present and it was like a transportation. I almost fell asleep. I'll be back to that place again.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
sluggish // 10:50 pm
How can you miss someone just
that much?
What am I really doing?
My whole body is aching.
Is my physical state a reflection of the psychological?
Find your balance
find your stride again.
What's better for everybody?
// 12:06 am
I'm sorry.
Sorry sorry.
I don't know how to turn and run back
to you.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
edge of sanity, before submerging // 11:48 am
We live in a collective hallucination, an imagination of sorts, where things happen that we think are possible but someone without this collective kind of hallucination or has never participated in this sort of imagination cannot see that kind of imagination .... so in essence, we think we are the privileged ones, but perhaps we are the ones who don't or can't really see beyond what our hallucination has taken us. We are in fact strange living beings... floating somewhere in illusion. Perhaps others see it clearer than we can ourselves because we're so invested in this collective hallucination... who knows if there are duck people out there waddling about living carefreely without such hallucination of form and tangibility... stripped away of all sorts of chaotic masses of hair and mucky water.
despierta! // 8:58 am
action action
shrink in adversity
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
hurdle, then hurdle // 11:39 pm
Onward! To the bigger, better, more important things in life!