talking of Michaelangelo.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
autodefenestrate // 7:21 am
... is what I should probably do to avoid this exam tomorrow.
It's going to be another long night.
What a gorgeous purple pink sky tonight.
Yesternight, or early early this morning
my friends were raindrops, black tea and pie, tonight my
friends are fried zucchinis, milk and salisbury steak. [
- - -
Today, he wore a collared shirt of deep navy: crisp, wrinkle free. His usual dark jeans and his worn (though untattered) dark leather shoes. He had less of a smile, but his curiousity, his hands in his pockets, a slight whimsical tip toe, his enthusiasm, his love for children. Almost perfect enough to sweep her feet off the ground.
Oh, a slight infatuation with a hint of
forbidden, secretive...
Of course nothing will happen. We are from different worlds, and different times. But he's still nice to look at, to smile at.
Oh, and did she mention? He plays the harp! :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
strange duet // 10:09 am
Darkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the sense abandon their defenses
Turn your face away from the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light
and listen to the music of the night.
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
gorgeous // 3:50 am
thin breeze,
whimsical sun;

I am going to miss this place. Its mural of painted clouds, the glitter of sun and dance of leaves' shadows etched into a special place in my heart.
Friday, September 24, 2010
stormy night // 2:26 pm
count the days
and the blessings
how many more do I have?
have I exhausted all
that I deserve, all that I am worth? [enjambment]
And I have known the eyes already, known them all—
Then how should I begin
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?
coffee spoons and afternoons
and voices dying with a dying fall
And so,
"Sometimes I feel as if my eyes can see inside of me."
- - - -
I dare you to read Stormy Night by Michèle Lemieux. It bleeds existential angst. See into me during those moments when insomnia plagues. Questions with empty answers, answered by more questions. My heart sank and lifted at many words on the beautifully illustrated pages.
"When I cry, it feels as if the tide's coming in!"
Onion tears are sometimes not empty tears.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
synaesthesia // 12:51 pm
The mixing of colour and music, of shades and sounds. Once again, she is fascinated by that very word. Senses, thrown together in a magic bullet machine.
dona nobis pacem
The blending of angelic harmonies and voices out of tune yet somehow end up on pitch
and so together.
How can he remind me so much of the song "My Funny Valentine"?
He exudes warmth in his twinkling, whimsical smile; he saves them for the perfectly timed moments. His facial hair, his entire alert, breathing, moving tall body, his motions, his tiny gestures - hands in the pocket, nimble fingers held in that manner of a conductor, perfect stature and stance. His radiating enthusiasm, passion, love for music, for children. His quiet observation, his slightly awkward moments. you make me smile with my heart
[Exeunt All]
soundscapes, the pentatonic scale
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
care deeply // 9:34 am
I was moved today, by a 62 year old lady (Barbara Coloroso) who dedicated her life to teaching compassion and love.
Her talk, The Bully, The Bullied and the Bystander was remarkable! I learned wit, firmness, assertiveness and absolute zero tolerance for some disgusting behaviour.
Next time I hear garbage I should not have to stand for, I will say with dignity and a smile,
"That comment was beneath the both of us."
And another great moment:
Silence is one of your most powerful tools. Use it.
"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
- spoken by Atticus Finch, by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Monday, September 20, 2010
fragment // 12:56 am
Strange dream of strange foreign men and of dying women and suicidal children.
Sunny days.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
starving // 1:39 pm
lethargic Saturday, catch up with an old friend...
and missing some great Shakespearean hilarity which I will probably regret later on...
Friday, September 17, 2010
my aquarium world // 10:11 am
I feel as though I'm halfway in many worlds, but never whole. There are too many wholes and I am always only half.
I hate being sick, that feeling in my nose and lungs. And then the wind, and cold and rain outside. It makes me miss home.
And as always, my mother knows me best: most of the time, all I really want to do is just curl up in bed with my favourite blankets and stuffed friends and a good book.
And fall asleep reading it.
The cold, oh, the cold is so debilitating.
Here's to hoping the weekend will be better,
with moments of respite.
Monday, September 13, 2010
rebellion // 11:35 am
I wish I were just a little bit different from everyone else. Just stand-out in a some minute way, so that people would know right away that smell, that act, that gesture, that turn of a cheek, that one distinguishable thing that belongs solely and only to me.
I wish I could be distinguishable and appreciate a myriad of unique things.
(I wish there was another word for "things" that I am feeling right now.)
free as the wind -
that is the way you should be
I wish a lot of things. I am ever so blessed, but ever so greedy
and that is why, I know. I just know, that I don't deserve a lot of things.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
a teacher's principle // 9:36 am
... we must have an iron fist with a velvet glove
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
april in paris, the tea // 11:09 am
"So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void.
So good night, dear void." - From
You've Got Mail
passing remark. stark, Hemingway's prose is, just the way I like it.
Monday, September 06, 2010
someone else's story punchline // 1:48 pm
And he said, just as I was walking away, "If you see any lanky guys in New York, you should just go for it."
In context, it was a mellow and unsatisfying ending to the story.
A lot can happen in 5 days time.
This is a reconstruction.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
verb // 8:44 am

... choose your battles, 'cause if you fight every battle, you'll lose the war....
That's what we learn in teacher's college.
That and "Don't undermine your own teaching."
It's interesting, but dry. Material is dry.
There's more to do than I thought there would be.
My days are lethargic though. I eat, read, sleep, take in the aromas of next door's barbeques, avoid the rain, have long chats with friends in cafés and just relax. Even though school has started already, it feels like the winding down of summer into something new, but in a lazy slowly transitioning way. The loud, bustling life has not come back to Kingston yet. Soon, students will overflow the streets again. I prefer Kingston like this -- quiet and slow.
The breezes are strong here, and the nights dark. Still haven't had the chance to visit the lake but will hopefully do so very soon.
- - -
Wayfarer Books Bought & Sold
I roamed into an old bookstore with a painted wooden sign and it reminded me of those days in the UK where I would just saunter into these troves of goodness: old bookstores; I would find these old, abandoned but ever so precious treasures.
The smell of yellowed, dog-eared books is so comforting and thrilling at the same time to me. The place had a small exhibit hidden deep inside its shelves. It was run by a silver-haired beer bellied Santa Claus-esque man who was over-brimming with knowledge about publication and old books. Lazy evenings bring much enjoyment!
Thursday, September 02, 2010
my first of the final student days // 7:02 pm
The show must go on.
Every night, I am exhausted out of my mind by 8pm. My room, like my mind, is filled with clutter and things in boxes and bags that I am sick and tired of unloading.
And yet, of course, the show must go on.
These days are of free sandwiches and mother's leftover pork chops.
These days are of being watched, alienated and left for oneself to fend for oneself.
Yes, the show must go on.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
picking Mee-Ju's mind // 11:25 am
My friend Mee-Ju summed up Inception pretty well, I felt. So here they go:
"They come here to be woken up. Their dream has become their reality. Who are you to say otherwise?""Tell me one last thing," said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?""Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
Wonderful quotes.
Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.
Obviously, I just saw Inception again. I love(d) it. I think I need to set a date for Inception. Perhaps, the day before school starts every year?
Why, hello teacher's college tomorrow.