talking of Michaelangelo.
Monday, January 31, 2011
another rendition // 6:28 am
Thursday, January 27, 2011
hypocrite hermit // 1:46 pm
This unexpected, shameful feeling flooded me like a collapsing, inevitable storm.
(What a terrible metaphor.)
I am starting to hate this hole box I dug myself into. Because it makes me realize I am merely a hypocrite hermit, longing for the vast world outside, a niche for those with more than merely shadows of hope. Ah, you hypocrite hermit! Happy for every glimpse of flickering light. Catching them like droplets of... who knows what.
Oh hypocrite hermit, come to your senses, you shameful dirty little recluse, you ugly warty misanthrope. Stay in your dingy dunghole of existence until you are called to attention or to rise to some occasion or other. Until then, wake up, smell the damn roses or coffee or reality or whatever you smell and stay where you are.
[Pardon the mad ramblings, so late at night.
Mind, stomach throbbing - with hunger.]
soul healing // 12:06 pm
... or restoration.
No, I didn't join a cult.
I was just thinking how much music lifted me today. I found two really pretty chords on my darling uke and I was just strummin' along, letting my thoughts drift a little. It was a pretty mindscape.
Then, I kept thinking, ah, that's why God loves worship so much. It's because He too, loves the sound of music. It was a soothing thought to think and drift a little on. More and more, it sounds like I'm on drugs, but I'm not.
Dmaj7 - E7 and Cmaj7 - G
floating sensations :) momentarily content
so that's why, Shakespeare starts his Twelfth Night with
"If music be the food of love, play on..."
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
slowly, slowly // 3:40 am
adapt, change, smile, repeat.
pleasant surprises,
sudden consistent generosity,
so slowly, slowly learn
learn to be content.
learn to have simple happies.
there is always hope.
adapt again.
[A warm belly full of food makes me feel blessed, happy and loved. Thanks, unnie and her darling mother, who made me Korean bap, kong nameul banchan, moo gook with kogi! I feel so Korean... (Oh! And homemade PERFECT French Macaroons. Yum!)]
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
indie and electronika // 7:02 am brought me some joy today.
Break Me Out - The Rescues (Crazy Ever After)My empty room
Crowded to soonI look for the fire escape
I picture myself
Running like hell
Making my getawayThe walls are caving in with no warning
This ship is sinking, I gotta swim for it
I'm running out of airBreak me out tonight
I wanna see the sun rising anywhere but here
Come with me
Oh, this could be
The only chance we get
We gotta take it
We don't do it now we'll never make it
Lose this crowd
Oh break me out
Whisper of our feet
Sneak down the streetSome kind of secret race
They'll carry on
Won't notice we're gone
So easily replacedThe walls are caving in with no warning
This ship is sinking, I gotta swim for it
I'm running out of airBreak me out tonight
I wanna see the sun rising anywhere but here
Come with me
Oh, this could be
The only chance we get
We gotta take itWe don't do it now we'll never make it
Lose this crowd
Oh break me out
The walls are caving in with no warning
This ship is sinking, I gotta swim for it
I got a feeling we're better off anyway
I don't care what they say
- - - -
Let's all listen to new music.
Step out of the box of comfort sometimes,
break free and...
live a little.
Monday, January 24, 2011
so time, it just passes like this // 1:43 pm
moment by moment, breath by breath
fleetingly, intangible.
wishes, hopes, dreams slowly, alone...
blown away, a whisper in the wind.
why is it so cold these days?
i wonder // 10:53 am
... if you'll read this
someday and laugh at me.
duguen duguen
Friday, January 21, 2011
drama crazed // 1:13 am
You know, girls always pine for the man who is the better one but doesn't get the girl in the end. And by always, I mean me. I always do that. Why do they have to make them love the girl so painstakingly and so unrequitedly. It crushes me for them. All the unrequitedness is getting to my head. They like them SO MUCH. It's so heart wrenching when the girl picks the other guy. It's all because the conventions of a drama dictates it that way. Or stories in general. There's always a main, but who takes care of the poor, suffering leftover boy (man in this case).
Don't get me wrong, I'm not experiencing any of that
at all. Nothing from nobody and nothing from me. Hopefully this is the calm before the storm, 'cause certainly, this is very calming. It's all just fictional; and it's all in my head.
I'm suffering from withdrawal. I just watched a drama with 2 beautiful men in it. Loved every single part of it. From the unrequitedness to the friendship to the bromance.
I'd like to share some Banksy with you. It's currently my wallpaper and reflective of what I am experiencing or... well ironically... well I don't know, just have a look at this:

It's... well, stunning. There is always hope.
Isn't that just so ironic in some deep higher-level thinking way?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
friends or foes // 12:30 pm
Waging war inside me...
Mistah Kurtz, he dead.
The horror! The horror!
musings // 8:46 am
Yelling "WHAT" into the abyss...
Someone please magic away the cold.
"The first thing a person does in the morning is listen. Some people hear birds, some hear bombs, some hear alarm-clock radios, some hear thunder, some hear the breathing of somebody they loved, some hear silence. But my sound, the sound that I heard that morning..." - Brian Doyle's
Uncle RonaldUkulele progress - slow... and giving up is nigh.
Sleepy days...
Monday, January 17, 2011
lament // 11:01 am
Why, oh why are dramas filled with beautiful men and real life lacks them...
precious metaphors // 12:48 am
"Sometimes, when you're my age, your body feels so light you feel like you're going to disappear. Or you feel kind of transparent. I feel sometimes afraid that when the nurse comes in to check on me she'll be able to see right through me. I feel papery, like the skin of a long-gone bug. But I don't really think about my body most of the time. I ignore it as much as I can. I mean, what's the sense? I've spent decades feeding it, watering it, satisfying it and enough is enough.
They can come in and suck me up their vacuum cleaners for all I care.
No, now it's my mind and my mind only that I care about.
And my memory. My memory, which is like an ancient painting on the wall of a deep cave. If I carry the flaming torch into the cave, get the light shining just right, flickering just nice there in the shadows, and if I recognize and remember the symbols and the letters, the pictures and the words, well then, I can read and interpret exactly what's there." - from Brian Doyle's Uncle Ronald
If you look deeply and carefully enough, you'll find such intricate substances weaved into children's novels too. Never underestimate the capacity of what children, adolescents can learn and understand. I miss the English Lit days, when I would just sit around talking about this stuff, this precious eloquent, beautiful stuff.
I still love stream of consciousness, Faulkner style.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
weaning // 4:24 am
In the process of...
Ah, growing pains!
Friday, January 14, 2011
digressions and a minute discourse on metaphor // 1:10 pm
"To unleash the mind's creative energy, multiply metaphor by the square of the speed of thought."
I feel useless and existence feels null.
One of my peer teacher candidates (one of my housemates actually) got a teaching job in Sweden and she's been telling literally all her friends about it. And I can hear it through the door. On one hand, I am overjoyed for her, she certainly does deserve everything she has attained. On the other, I feel increasingly... empty and afraid.
I feel so discouraged and despondent... and I haven't even started trying.
I need a pick me up and no amount of hilarious, amazing, tear-jerking dramas seems to be doing the trick. I cry all day long like someone died or something. My eyes are puffed up and...
"Language is fossil poetry." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
[Exeunt spirits.]
abandonment // 7:25 am
I feel so cold and so lonely.
Happy birthday.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
keep your head above water // 2:06 pm
If I just breatheLet it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe
So I whisper in the dark,
Hoping you hear me
Do you hear me?- Michelle Branch
Actually today, I was furious. And I'd hate to admit why.
So I'll just leave it here. I rarely get so angry with someone ... especially someone I thought was a friend.
clutter // 10:42 am
My room is a mess.......
questions questions // 1:00 am
I've fallen into a nervous wreck since I deactivated facebook. The virtue of this is that I've completely stopped counting the days, even though I know it hasn't been that long.
Endless inquiries have come in and ... I don't know how to answer them.
- I've made a vow? (Scared I'll break such a solemn promise, so that's not it.)
- until I've found a job... (What if I don't find a job within...whenever I want to get it back?)
- I'm trying to quit... (Okay, it was on a whim/quote unquote resolution, but how long do those last anyway?)
I do have that itch in my fingers to go back on, but what the heck, let's see how long this'll last me. The shortcoming is that I find that I have a lot more time on my hands... now brain, what shall we do about all this time I have now?
Ukulele playing has slight progress, but not much.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
facebook deactivation // 2:14 am
It's been about 8-9 hours or so since I've done it. Quite a big step for me and I'm itching all over to just scream
WHATEVER and get back on. But here's the deal. If I had the willpower to quit MSN of all things, then I have the willpower to do this. It's just so distracting in EVERY AREA of my life. So, this will be a fast hopefully at least until I am able to find a job.
Plus, blogger has always been a friend in the most tumultuous of times.
I realized, I used the word auspicious wrong in many contexts and now I feel slightly stupid. It's a fabulous word albeit my erroneous usages.
As you can probably tell already, I am just jotting down some miscellaneous thoughts in between times.
Rather apprehensive about the job search, but I had better dive head first into it and put up a good fight.
Nobody really reads this little corner of the web, come to think of it. Some of my friends were eager to keep up but it's been dry land around here and nothing too dramatic or exciting happening. (Although I always make it seem like there is.) So really this is just for me to read in years to come as I now read my years past and revisit that pang of nostalgia.
I don't really mind that no one reads it, but future K, bear this in mind, there is always
hope. When everyone else tells you that there is nothing ahead of you that you should look forward to, heed this, there is always
hope. Now, whether that hope is false or not, that's for you to discover. [Insert dry laughter.]
I have made plans to go church-hopping, maybe try and get back into the whole God thing. If He's really waiting for me at some cafe... then I should probably at least try to get a on public transportation to get to Him.
I must be mad (the crazy way). It must be the insomniac talking. Last night was an awful night for sleep. The circles under my eyes have deepened. I need some good reading material, alas, I cannot find any.
Snow blankets.
I'm really all over the place right now. I feel so completely lost and slightly thrown aboard some unknown abyss of unknown.
From a wise friend:
"The greatest tragedy of the pseudo-tragic poet is the lack of said tragedy. There is nothing I can muse upon, for everything is okay."
Boredom creeps in. [Exeunt All]